by Adrian Glamorgan | 3 Dec, 2023
Devoted Friends: glimpses of QUNO Geneva in its 75th year Adrian Glamorgan, West Australia Regional Meeting and Asia West Pacific Secretary for the Friends World Committee for Consultation Quaker United Nations Office is now officially 75 years young, with an enduring...
by Adrian Glamorgan | 4 Sep, 2021
Challenging War Stories Adrian Glamorgan, West Australia Regional Meeting There is something disturbing about reading news coverage which brings war closer to our consciousness, with not even a few words on how peace might also be built. The presumption...
by Adrian Glamorgan | 29 Jun, 2021
Adrian Glamorgan, West Australia Regional Meeting Many Friends know that our first peace testimony was declared to Charles II and Parliament in 1660. But how has peace prospered in Australia since that first day in 1770, when Scottish Quaker Sydney Parkinson,...
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