Hope for Asylum Seekers

Hope for Asylum Seekers

Hope for Asylum Seekers         Jill Parris, Victoria Regional Meeting About four years ago I had a nudge to do something about refugees with Quakers, so called a meeting to hold the issue in the light. Only David, my husband, came, and I was so...
The Kingdom of God Is Near?

The Kingdom of God Is Near?

The Kingdom of God Is Near? Rae Litting, New South Wales Regional Meeting There are many references in the Gospels to the Kingdom of God.  In Matthew’s gospel, the preaching about the Kingdom of God begins with John the Baptist, who calls people to “turn away from...


Editorial Regular on-line readers may have found that the Australian Friend was temporarily unavailable.  It has suffered a near death experience due to technical issues which I do not understand.  We are scrambling to get the March issue up in time. ...
QSA Notes – Equality in society, aid and development

QSA Notes – Equality in society, aid and development

 Ai Leen Quah, QSA Project Manager For those of us whose motivation in aid and development stems from notions of social justice, the concept of equality is a central focus. Upon inspecting the root causes of the poverty or food insecurity that our projects aim to...