Answering the Call in a time of constant crises.

Answering the Call in a time of constant crises.

Answering the Call in a time of constant crises.     Greg Rolles, Queensland Regional Meeting In one day I listened to two conversations that seem disconnected, but in the intricacies of the Spirit (or the subconscious) the connection occurred to me whilst I...
Such is Life

Such is Life

Such is Life David Swain, New South Wales Regional Meeting When a person possessed of an active mind explores nature, or ponders in imagination the broad range of organic creation, no single one among the manifold impressions that occur to him has so deep and powerful...
Know thy Friend: Adrian Glamorgan

Know thy Friend: Adrian Glamorgan

Know thy Friend: Adrian Glamorgan Adrian Glamorgan (Photo by Susan Hill) Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Adrian was born in South Wales: his first years were on the Gower Peninsula, near Abertawe (Swansea). This ancient, rural and officially designated “Area of...