Being Nudged

Being Nudged

Being Nudged Kaye Wright, Victoria Regional Meeting It was an ordinary work day.  I had to hurry to get ready to leave home but there was a whisper to send a card to a friend.  I put it to one side, as I had things to do, but I didn’t let go of it altogether. For most...
The sense of presence

The sense of presence

The sense of presence Noël Staples, Peterborough Meeting, Cambridgeshire Area Meeting, UK Some time ago I remember ministering about how my sense of the presence seemed that morning to delight in itself, and how I shared in that delight.  It isn’t always thus...
Quaker spirituality

Quaker spirituality

Quaker spirituality Reg Naulty, Canberra and Regions Meeting There is a strong interest in mysticism out there. That is shown by the huge public acceptance given to the work of Eckhart Tolle who writes about Zen Buddhism. His first book The Power of Now made the New...

One non-theist’s tale

One non-theist’s tale David Swain, New South Wales Regional Meeting Let’s start with my history.  I came from a nominally Anglican family.  We didn’t go to church often, partly because we lived on a farm some distance from town. Services at our local village...