


  As the war in Ukraine enters its third year and images of bombed out starving Palestinians fill our tv screens, I am reminded of a recent online philosophy class (U3A) where three Quakers...

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Know thy Friend: Pat Mavromatis

Know thy Friend: Pat Mavromatis

Pat Mavromatis Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional MeetingPat Mavromatis comes from an illustrious Quaker ancestry as her great-great-grandfather, Henry Propsting (originally a Congregationalist from...

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The sense of presence

The sense of presence

Noël Staples, Peterborough Meeting, Cambridgeshire Area Meeting, UKSome time ago I remember ministering about how my sense of the presence seemed that morning to delight in itself, and how I shared...

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Hill of Vision

Hill of Vision

(A Ballad of George Fox at 400)  Tune: Slane*  It was to the hill of visionThat a young man was calledAnd upon it he soundedThe day of the LordAnd there he had a visionOf a people near and farWho...

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Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Dying to be Green During the mini-Yearly Meeting in January, Katherine Purnell raised the issue of how to dispose of corpses so as to minimise damage to the environment.  I explored this topic in a...

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