by Sabina Erika | 1 Dec, 2024
Know thy Friend: Sabine Erika Sabine Erika, New South Wales Regional Meeting I was born in 1938 in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany. My father was of Jewish background so shortly after my birth he lost his job and we moved in with our grandparents in Hamburg. Early in the...
by Peter Jones | 3 Dec, 2023
Know thy Friend: Harold Wilkinson Harold Wilkinson Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Harold Wilkinson was born in Western Australia, coming from a farming family there. His father, Laurie, was an Anglican while mother, Nancy, was a Congregationalist. ...
by Heather Saville | 5 Mar, 2023
WERONA a place of peace: the first years (1969 – 1982) Heather Saville, New South Wales Regional Meeting This is the first of a two-part contribution about Werona, the 38-hectare property at Kangaroo Valley that was purchased in 1969 and is now majority owned by NSW...
by Tessa Spratt | 29 Jun, 2021
Tessa Spratt and Ginnie Allwood, Victoria Regional Meeting[1] As a birthright Member of the Society of 82 years standing, over the last few years, I have felt like a lone voice in the wilderness. Our Society is aging – fast – and very obviously. What are we doing...
by David Swain | 1 Dec, 2019
Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Julian Robertson is well known to many Friends as a former Presiding Clerk of Australia YM, but his path to that role is not so well known. He was born in the south of England but with an Army Dad, spent the first twelve years of...
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