Quakers and Sin

Quakers and Sin

Quakers and Sin Rae Litting, New South Wales Regional Meeting Quakers don’t like the word “sin”.  Perhaps this is because it has become closely connected to the word “sex”, and applied to a number of sexual practices that we would consider perfectly normal.  I...
The Brothers and Sisters of Jesus

The Brothers and Sisters of Jesus

The Brothers and Sisters of Jesus Rae Litting, New South Wales Regional Meeting I believe that religious art has influenced the way we imagine Jesus more than we realise.  If we read the Bible, it is clear that Jesus came from a large family.  But we never see images...
Christmas, Quakers, and Incarnation

Christmas, Quakers, and Incarnation

Christmas, Quakers, and Incarnation   Helen Gould, New South Wales Regional Meeting Early Friends did not believe in times and seasons, because every time was sacred.  However, they were passionate about Incarnation – the divine spirit becoming human, in us: “the...
The Kingdom of God Is Near?

The Kingdom of God Is Near?

The Kingdom of God Is Near? Rae Litting, New South Wales Regional Meeting There are many references in the Gospels to the Kingdom of God.  In Matthew’s gospel, the preaching about the Kingdom of God begins with John the Baptist, who calls people to “turn away from...
Book Review: Thy Kingdom Come – A Quaker`s View of Jesus.

Book Review: Thy Kingdom Come – A Quaker`s View of Jesus.

Ingmar Hollsing is a Swedish Friend, a teacher, and holds a Bachelor of Divinity from Uppsala University which specialises in the historical Jesus. He reads English and German, so is able to access sources in those languages, as well as his native Swedish. This book...