Refections on the Resurrection

Refections on the Resurrection

Refections on the Resurrection Rae Litting, New South Wales Regional Meeting One of the key Christian doctrines is the doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus.  When I attended the Anglican Church in my youth, we recited the Apostles Creed every Sunday, including...

The breathtaking breadth of Friends’ experience

Sue Wilson, Queensland Regional Meeting (A plea to listen to each other’s spiritual experiences rather than debate our beliefs) In my thirty years among Friends, the thing I’ve most appreciated has been the way we allow ourselves and each other to seek, grow,...

Traversing All Time

Gerry Guiton, NSW Regional Meeting A recent article in the Australian Friend (March, 2015) strongly advised Quakers to “drag themselves into the 21st century”. The author seemed to suggest we have some outdated beliefs and recommended nontheism if not as a complete...

Marriage – Does it Matter?

Rae Litting, New South Wales Regional Meeting. We have heard a lot lately about marriage. It is of personal interest to me because I was married for 40 years, and am now living with a man to whom I am not married. Am I any less committed? I don’t think so. So what is...