Know thy Friend: Nelson File

Know thy Friend: Nelson File

Know thy Friend: Nelson File     Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Nelson File Nelson File is best known as the current Principal of the Friends’ School in Hobart, but what is little known to Australian Friends is his long history of Quaker ancestry...

Know Thy Friend: Julian Robertson

Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Julian Robertson is well known to many Friends as a former Presiding Clerk of Australia YM, but his path to that role is not so well known. He was born in the south of England but with an Army Dad, spent the first twelve years of...

Know Thy Friend: Maddy Walker

Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Maddy Walker is Tasmanian, although she was born in Canberra when her parents were working there. Like many other Friends, denominationally she came from elsewhere, in this case, a strong Catholic upbringing, but always...