The Australian Friend

Journal of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia


The Australian Friend is the official journal of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia Inc. It has been continuously published since 1887. There are four issues per year, in March, June, September and December.

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pReading the articles in this issue of the Australian Friend reminded me of my favourite Backhouse Lecture;  George Ellis’ “Faith, hope and doubt in times of uncertainty”.  Ellis writes that “there...

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Know thy Friend: Sabine Erica

Know thy Friend: Sabine Erica

Sabine Erica, New South Wales Regional MeetingI was born in 1938 in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany. My father was of Jewish background so shortly after my birth he lost his job and we moved in with our...

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Invitation To Become

   Rosemary Longhurst, Western Australia Regional Meeting  Here is a blank page, created for the making of marks. What mark shall I make, with my pen poised, preparing to accept this...

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Unconventional women

Unconventional women

    Roger Sawkins, Queensland Regional Meeting  I have never been interested in Catholicism or nunneries but I was intrigued by a recent prize-winning book Unconventional Women: The...

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Almost from the start of the Society of Friends, Quakers have been noted for social work in the community after Spirit-led discernment.  This edition of The Australian Friend contains reports of...

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