

Editorial Reg Naulty, quoting from Thomas Kelly’s A Testimony of Devotion, asks how we can become “a blessed community”.  This theme of a blessed, and inclusive community is raised in a number of this month’s articles.  Roger Sawkins in his article of the history of...


Editorial   As the war in Ukraine enters its third year and images of bombed out starving Palestinians fill our tv screens, I am reminded of a recent online philosophy class (U3A) where three Quakers among others, discussed a segment of Plato’s Republic entitled...


Editorial In this issue, as we approach George Fox’s 400th birthday,  we look back to past spiritual guides, and forward to see how our ancient testimonies can be applied to the current state of the world. Ann Udy remembers Rufus Jones, the value of his teachings, but...


Noted This is our regular feature in which we briefly record interesting publications and websites that have come to our attention. Inclusion of an item in this format does not preclude a possible longer review in a later issue. We welcome suggestions for inclusion. ...


Editorial Australia faces a critical decision, perhaps a spiritual rather than a political decision.  On 14 October we must decide whether we will amend our constitution to officially confess that our First Nations people once possessed the whole of our country, and...