A goal for our Meetings

A goal for our Meetings

A goal for our Meetings Reg Naulty, Canberra and Region Quakers We all have a hope for what our meetings will achieve: spiritual enrichment for those who attend, and some wider social good in the surrounding community. The suggestion here is that the meeting have a...
A brief journey back in time

A brief journey back in time

A brief journey back in time Michael Corbett, Queensland Regional Meeting My association with Friends at the Kelvin Grove Meeting House goes back over 40 years. During that time there have been many different scenarios by which we have read and studied the Advices and...


In our last issue we considered our Yearly Meeting, a time when Friends come together to strengthen their spiritual bonds and to ask how the Truth is prospering amongst us. In this issue we look at how Friends go out into the world to live our testimonies. Wies...