Yearly Meeting Friendly School: “Integrity – what canst thou say?”
The purpose of this Friendly School was to encourage Quakers in Australia to write about Integrity, to write a poem, do a cartoon or other visual, make a video on their mobile for our YouTube channel, etc. Integrity is an important Testimony for Quakers but little has been written about it in Australia. Several Friends who participated in the Friendly School wrote on the topic and we offer these to The Australian Friend. We hope that other Friends will reflect on integrity and feel inspired to contribute on the topic for future issues.
Wies Schuiringa, New South Wales Regional Meeting
with permission
Not just honesty,
integrity’s essential
for a wholesome life.
Malcolm Whyte, Canberra and Regions Quakers
In the great public service of Oz
You should always behave well because
When Integrity’s seen
Your conscience is clean
And you can be proud you’re in Oz.
It might be that one of these days
You are told some dishonesty pays
But this is corrupt
And you should disrupt
Such evil and self-serving ways.
Whenever temptations abound
Try to stand firm your ground
And do your best
To pass the test
With Friends’ inner values profound
Juan Roberson, New South Wales Regional Meeting
Integrity demands that we put our stated beliefs into action.
When our actions do not meet our values or our commitments, we need to take time to review our beliefs, to bring our actions into alignment, reminding ourselves of fairness and equity.
There is no shame in monitoring our actions in this way.
Being able to self-correct is the mark of an adult.
Let’s all be adults, lighting the way for each other and our community.
Ann Britton, New South Wales Regional Meeting
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