by David Swain | 3 Sep, 2017
Maggi Storr, Tasmania Regional Meeting A significant “aha!” moment occurred while I was walking down a street in Florence. I was suddenly filled with joy, moving through me like ecstasy. It was like a casting fell off my heart and opened to all-encompassing love. It...
by David Swain | 3 Sep, 2017
Jan de Voogd, New South Wales Regional Meeting In 1658 George Fox said “Be still and cool in thy own mind and spirit from thy own thoughts, and then thou will feel the principle of God turn thy mind to the Lord God”. Yes, we probably are all aware that we...
by David Swain | 4 Jun, 2017
Our theme for this issue is Spiritual Journeys. It is clear that Quakers find food for their spiritual journey from many sources: from nature; from literature, art and architecture; from personal encounters; from Quaker worship, writings and tradition; from the...
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