by australianfriend | 13 May, 2012
Pradip Lamichhane, Nepal Friends Evangelical Church. This is an edited extract from a talk given by Pradip at this year’s FWCC conference in Kenya. When I first heard the theme of the world gathering I found it difficult to understand. After long silence and...
by australianfriend | 1 May, 2012
Valerie Joy, Queensland Regional Meeting. Friends that I meet in several countries are actively engaged in practicing our beliefs, conversing on the things we hold in common, and sometimes too on where we diverge. Face to face conversations are sublimely better than...
by David Swain | 10 Feb, 2012
Mark Johnson, New South Wales Regional Meeting A book I recently read, Sources of the Self, The Making of Modern Identity by philosopher Charles Taylor, maps some of the paths which have led to contemporary understandings of identity as realised throughout the Western...
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