by australianfriend | 6 Mar, 2022
Editorial “Holding in the Light” is a commonly used Quaker expression which has added significance in these troubled times. Sometime it just seems to mean “I’ll be thinking of you”, but some Friends find a much deeper and personal meaning in the words. In this issue...
by Peter Jones | 6 Mar, 2022
Know thy Friend: Nelson File Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Nelson File Nelson File is best known as the current Principal of the Friends’ School in Hobart, but what is little known to Australian Friends is his long history of Quaker ancestry...
by Fleur Bayley | 6 Mar, 2022
QSA Notes: Preserving traditional handicrafts, providing skills, work and incomes to poor women in rural Cambodia Fleur Bayley, Projects Manager Producers at the Centre’s production facility in Pursat (one of whom lives with a disability) hand-weave a grass mat using...
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