Hill of Vision (A Ballad of George Fox at 400) Tune: Slane* It was to the hill of visionThat a young man was calledAnd upon it he soundedThe day of the LordAnd there he had a visionOf a people near and farWho were there to be gatheredAnd now here we are. He had...
Reflections on a visit to countries bordering Russia and Ukraine Tim Gee, Friends World Committee for Consultation When I close my eyes, whether to sleep, rest or pray I find my mind going to Central Europe, in particular to a ship docked in Estonia’s...
Intervisitation holds us together: A reflection for World Quaker Day Tim Gee, General Secretary, Friends World Committee for Consultation My understanding of a Quaker approach to life is that we seek to live in the spirit of the earliest followers of Christ, in...
Reflections on a train from Geneva Tim Gee, General Secretary of the Friends World Committee for Consultation I write from a train, on the way from Geneva, following the Quaker United Nations Committee in support of the teams who speak up in the name of Friends about...
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