Hill of Vision

(A Ballad of George Fox at 400) 

Tune: Slane* 

It was to the hill of vision
That a young man was called
And upon it he sounded
The day of the Lord
And there he had a vision
Of a people near and far
Who were there to be gathered
And now here we are.

He had spoken with the professors
And spoken with priests
But they all spoke of war
And not justice nor peace
So he turned to the inward teacher
Who been there since the start
The divine Light of Jesus
In all people’s hearts.

Well the judges didn’t like it
They threw him in jail
But the word kept on spreading
All over the world:
Be patterns, be examples
wherever you may come
Answering that of God
That is in everyone.

It was to the hill of vision
That a young man was called
And upon it he sounded
The day of the Lord
And there he had a vision
Of a people near and far
Who were there to be gathered
And now here we are

*The tune Slane, named after a hill, is variously used for the folk songs With My Love on the Road, By the Banks of the Bann and The Hielan’s o’ Scotland, and with Christian words as Be thou my vision and Lord of all Hopefulness.

Thanks to Tim Gee of FWCC for supplying this ballad.




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