The ‘Our Father’ Revisited

by | 6 Dec, 2020

Our Abba/Our Amma To whom we owe our very existence Who brought us and all of life Into being, and Who awaits us In the eternal now

May your name be honoured By our being in right relationship With you, with one another And with all of life

May your kingdom come Your indwelling and Your outpouring Here and now as well as later

May your will And your ways Be done In us, through us and around us

Grant us this day Today’s needed portion of Earthly bread and Heavenly leaven

Soften us That we might receive Your grace And pass it on

For we remember our frailties And we need Your safeguarding and securing Against evil

That we might grow In all ways By all means In You

Teach us the way of Watching, waiting and walking With You Seeing as we are seen Loving as we are loved.



Submitted by Noel Giblett, West Australia Regional Meeting

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