Know thy Friend: Gerard Guiton

Know thy Friend: Gerard Guiton

Know thy Friend: Gerard Guiton Gerard Guiton Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Gerry was born in Stockport (Greater Manchester) into an Irish family, his mother hailing from Co. Sligo and father from Cork city. After a mostly Catholic schooling, he completed...

Book review: Outgrowing God – a beginner’s guide

Richard Dawkins is undoubtedly one of the great science communicators of our age.  Starting with The Selfish Gene in 1976, he has produced a veritable library of books describing evolution in a range of vivid metaphors. Unfortunately along the way he inevitably...

How do Friends DO theology?

Valerie Joy, Queensland Regional Meeting I was fortunate to attend recently a Seminar entitled “Testing Tradition and Liberating Theology”, led by Dr Val Webb. Val was at the University of Queensland in my undergraduate days, and we were both members of the...

The Word Was With God

David Swain, New South Wales Regional Meeting. It’s becoming more and more difficult to be an old-fashioned atheist.  In my salad days when I was green in theology, I knew what God was, and I could decide whether I believed in him or not. Now atheists seem to be...

Studying to Create God in Our Own Image?

Ivan Himmelhoch, Victoria Regional Meeting It is always profoundly humbling to visit a person in a hospice at the end stage of their life’s journey. Such encounters have also made me reflect very deeply as to why that shrivelled, yellow-skinned human being before me,...