Short Ministeries

Spirit of Equality A rare commodity Can you find it? The answer is nearby. It’s measured in time You have for each other When you see eye to eye. Forget about money Forget about fame Treasure the moments Fleeting or long When you see eye to eye. It may be someone you...


Falls, Basket Swamp, Boonoo Boonoo National Park Through soggy heath and sedge the kangaroo trail drops, scattering big-fisted rocks as you struggle to be present. A gurgle, a trickle, a whispering whoosh, sips at your spirit. Cold, clear, gushing, over, around, down...

The Gathered Meeting

  Silence we sit and wait the Light shines as we grow porous it begins to flow through us this Light—invisible beyond our speech or thought—is small as a single grain of finest salt expansive as the breadth of cosmic space sharp and specific with concerns gentle with...

Making the image of God

Part 1  My god was like an old, old man (But vigorous still, and strong) Who sat upon a golden throne Surrounded by a throng Of angels, dressed in purest white (And never other hues). And as god didn’t move a lot But mostly sat in this same spot The angels darted to...

Shared Experience of the Light

Andrew Brion, Victoria Regional Meeting In the new Victorian Friends’ Centre (VFC) a group has started to meet each fortnight. The group is convened by David Parris and we meet for ninety minutes, being three half hours of: silent worship; contemplation and writing;...