Invitation To Become


 Rosemary Longhurst, Western Australia Regional Meeting


Here is a blank page, created for the making of marks.

What mark shall I make, with my pen poised, preparing to accept this invitation to Become?


Any moment can offer a similar invitation, I know.

Some offer only limited possibilities – a door creaks ajar, a curtain is inched back from a window, revealing mere glimpses of Otherness: pay attention and the small crack may widen to a slightly larger view of Terra Incognita.

Some moments yield a vista more readily, yet the picture remains oddly distanced, a panorama that can’t be entered, only appreciated.

At times like this, however, the invitation is more welcoming, bidding me enter to experience and explore.


I have made a habit of allowing and awaiting so that such moments may come and-  rarely, they do – if I can be gentle and patient, if I can trust that the potential for opening is always there, abiding until I can be stilled enough to notice and respond.


How hard it is to be truly stilled – not doing, thinking, feeling, sensing, caring, yearning but simply being. Thoughts, emotions, sensations, cares and desires are allowed their comings and goings, but if I can find the spaces between all these I begin to know that there is more. Some kind of experience awaits over, under, beyond or through all the everyday complexity. It is a slippery kind of awareness, always falling into or appropriated by the familiar. Yet if I can grasp some thin thread and hold on to it to remind myself of an intimation of immortality, it will return to reward my waiting like a wild animal nervous of strangers.

Stillness is needed to befriend the unknown. With practised stillness, an abundance of holy moments can be recognised and the untamed Other can be gradually approached.

Accepting each invitation allows Being to expand into Becoming.


For me, a blank page is the invitation.

For you it might be a melody, a flower, the touch of a loved one or the scent of peace which opens you into significance and whispers what you may be.


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