Know thy Friend

Know thy Friend

Know thy Friend Diana Pittock, Victoria RegionalMeeting Pelicans! The beginning of my river of life. My life ahead was not planned but evolved, perhaps from an awareness which began at 5, when I saw for the first time the pelicans on the Coorong at the River Murray...
Thoughts of a Quaker activist

Thoughts of a Quaker activist

Thoughts of a Quaker activist Greg Rolles, Victoria Regional Meeting I always get anxious before presenting or talking to any group. I’m nervous about what people will think. What makes me most anxious though, when I present on war and the climate crisis, is whether I...

Short Ministeries

Spirit of Equality A rare commodity Can you find it? The answer is nearby. It’s measured in time You have for each other When you see eye to eye. Forget about money Forget about fame Treasure the moments Fleeting or long When you see eye to eye. It may be someone you...


In this issue we look at what Australian Quakers are doing in the world and at home.   At one level their field of activity is small-scale.  They are teaching permaculture in Iraq, teaching sign language to children in Tajikistan, and through QSA they are supporting...

Know thy Friend: Barrie and Diana Pittock

Barrie Pittock  I came in touch with Quakers when called up for National Service Training in 1956. I was brought up attending a Presbyterian Sunday school, but came into conflict with the minister over the fact that Jesus said to “love your enemies”, yet Scots Church...