My faith and how it intersects with my work.

Wies Shuiringa. New South Wales Regional Meeting. The foundations for my faith come from growing up in the Mennonite Church in a rural region in the Netherlands. The liberal Protestants did not socialise with the Calvinistic Protestants; farmers did not socialise with...

Salt and Light.

Pradip Lamichhane, Nepal Friends Evangelical Church. This is an edited extract from a talk given by Pradip at this year’s FWCC conference in Kenya. When I first heard the theme of the world gathering I found it difficult to understand. After long silence and...

The Path.

Grace Verity, Western  Australia Regional Meeting.   My path— The one true path— Unrolls beside me One step at a time From colourful scraps of wool. I often know where it is going, And head straight there, To save myself time, And humility. I lose the path. It...