Grace Verity, Western Australia Regional Meeting.
My path—
The one true path—
Unrolls beside me
One step at a time
From colourful scraps of wool.
I often know where it is going,
And head straight there,
To save myself time,
And humility.
I lose the path.
It takes a long time to find it again.
I need to become smaller than I was,
Then, again, it appears by my side,
Where it always was.
(Perhaps I need to look down more?)
I follow it with renewed faith,
Like a dog receiving training at heel,
Not planning my own way,
Simply alert to follow
the Presence beside me.
The path unfurls more quickly now
And I pass up opportunities to shortcut
Where I think it is heading,
And cleverly, though without cleverness,
do not get lost when
it does not go there at all.
It is like a light,
This path,
One step at a time
Closer to revealing
The mystery.
It is assisted by my putting aside
All my forecasts, all my grabbing
Of certainty, which
Turn to ash in my hand.
But the light,
Simply allowed, and followed
Leads me where I need to go.
That unexpected, marvellous place
I have wanted to go all along.
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