by Peter Jones | 4 Dec, 2022
Know Thy Friend: Aletia Dundas Aletia Dundas Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Although Aletia has frequently been thought of as a birth right Friend, her parents only joined Wahroonga Meeting after hearing about Quakers on a radio programme when she was three...
by Tessa Spratt | 29 Jun, 2021
Tessa Spratt and Ginnie Allwood, Victoria Regional Meeting[1] As a birthright Member of the Society of 82 years standing, over the last few years, I have felt like a lone voice in the wilderness. Our Society is aging – fast – and very obviously. What are we doing...
by David Swain | 28 Feb, 2015
Sally Kingsland, Canberra Regional Meeting The place of young people in our Australian Quaker community has been of great interest, and some concern, to me for many years. It has been a question of direct personal relevance as I have journeyed as a committed spiritual...
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