A goal for our Meetings

A goal for our Meetings

A goal for our Meetings Reg Naulty, Canberra and Region Quakers We all have a hope for what our meetings will achieve: spiritual enrichment for those who attend, and some wider social good in the surrounding community. The suggestion here is that the meeting have a...
Australia’s Integrity Crisis

Australia’s Integrity Crisis

Australia’s Integrity Crisis Possum Hodgkin, Canberra and Regional Quakers Australia is at a critical risk of losing its integrity. Trust in institutions is low, and we struggle to agree on basic truths of reality.  Democracy can not function in a landscape of...

Spices of life: Personal Reflections on the Quaker Testimonies

Rosemary Longhurst, West Australia Regional Meeting Rosemary has prepared a booklet covering the Quaker Testimonies – the ‘Spices’ – Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Sustainability. The booklet’s introduction, a short overview of the Testimonies,...

Submitting to Truth and Integrity.

Adrian Glamorgan. West Australian Regional Meeting.     Early Friends saw a commitment to truth and integrity as a necessary sacrifice: relinquishing the old dependence on a priest; rejecting material self-interest and strutting pride; seeking through...