Trish Johnson. Queensland Regional Meeting.

As David and I prepare to take up appointments as Co-Directors at Silver Wattle in 2013, I reflect how much I have gained, and shared, in this journey to an Australian Quaker Centre. Three years ago I wrote about my spiritual path:

This leads to needing a place and space where I can step aside from my life commitments and allow the Spirit to speak more clearly through the voices of others, and within my own heart.

I do not know how the vision of a Quaker Centre will be established in reality, or how we will resolve financial and other issues about which so many are anxious. But I do know that it calls to me deeply and I will be committing time every year to be a part of this community wherever it takes shape, contributing however I am led.

My own experiences at Silver Wattle have been very diverse: planning and working groups, exploring Islamic beliefs and practices, healing times, Quaker history, caring for our land and our world, being spiritual “midwives” as we learn how to nurture each other and co-create the spiritual space we need.

The daily rhythm and the spiritual fellowship are deep anchors for us as we struggle with our own blocks and seek our own authentic voices. Many of us have found that the ancient landscape draws forth visions, and our songs and dreams rise and expand to the infinite horizons of Weereewa.

And then the practical service of washing up, laundry and weeding help to keep us grounded!

We hope some of you can take the time to visit or re-visit Silver Wattle in the New Year. David and I look forward to supporting the spiritual space and community at Silver Wattle, working with visitors, guests, course facilitators and participants, Elders and Friends in Residence, cooks and members of our working bees. Please contact us if there is an opportunity for you to come and join us in the next phase of Silver Wattle. Email:

Trish Johnson

So what is happening at Silver Wattle in the New Year?

Young Friends Pre-YM2013 Camp for business and fellowship will be held at Silver Wattle from 28/12/2012-4/1/2013. Camping and self-catering, cost $11pp/day. Contact Rhys Dryzek email Phone: 02 6251 8967, mobile 0410 900 792

Accommodation before AYM: 2, 3, 4 January. Bed and breakfast available for a 2 night minimum, $44 pp/night. Other meals by arrangement and depending on numbers. Book early!

AYM will be in Canberra 5-12 January. Because of distance it is not a suitable venue to stay when attending AYM. We hope to plan a Silver Wattle Open Time when the AYM timetable is complete.

AVP National Conference. Silver Wattle is fully booked from 12 -19 January.