QSA Notes: people, places and projects
Fourteen intrepid Friends joined Margaret Bywater of Tasmania Regional Meeting, who works in Cambodia, and QSA’s Jackie Perkins on a study tour to visit the QSA and AusAID funded programs in Cambodia. It was a great opportunity to see for themselves what work is being carried out with your funding. Their comments speak for themselves –
talking to real people, seeing aid in action’; ‘I know and understand more about the way that QSA operates’; ‘It was an amazing journey’; ‘Wonderful to see what a difference it can make in people’s lives’; ‘I’ve always been a supporter of development aid but have never seen it in action before’; ‘Good to see the practical reality….[of] what a difference it makes where people are so poor to be able to generate even a small income.
The tour visited all of QSA’s partners as well as tourist areas of Phnom Penh and Siem Rep to visit Angkor Wat. We saw our lunch of fresh fish being caught, weaving of silk and cotton into scarves and garments, cane and special grass woven into mats, listened to traditional music and watched traditional dancing though for many of us this was difficult to emulate.
We saw very productive food gardens, stone carvings, wood turning and furniture making, art and photography, amazing architecture and learned more about the troubled past of this country. There will be more details coming soon to QSA’s website (www.qsa.org.au) and via displays and presentations during Yearly Meeting 2012.
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