Ian Hughes, John Michaelis, Wies Schuiringa, New South Wales Regional Meeting
The development group has worked steadily to lay the groundwork for our Australian Friend to become an online journal. The full proposal for the online journal will be presented at Yearly Meeting in Perth, and there will be a preparatory session.
The content of the September issue of The Australian Friend has been placed in the website australianfriend.org and can be accessed by anyone to get a feel for the new look and readability. The manual is available at australianfriend.org/support with the guidelines for contributors, moderation of online comments and instructions for those Friends who would like to make their contributions directly into the website. Please have a look and provide us with feedback so we can explain things further or adjust what we have developed.
Several Friends have assisted with developing the printed version of the online journal. We have developed a system so that Friends who want a printed copy will continue to receive this. It will be an ‘opt-in’ system and we will be working with the Regional Meetings to ensure that nobody misses out. Stephen Hodgkin will continue to manage the mailing list for the printed copy as well as the email list for the online reminder that the new issue is available.
Stephen is also preparing the updated list for the book of Australian Quaker meetings, Office-holders, Members, Attenders and Children. Let your Ministry and Care/Oversight Committee or Clerk know if there are any changes in your details, so you will be included.
A number of Friends have agreed to fulfil special roles in the production of the online AF, e.g. as subject editor in a area of interest or knowledge, proof reader, lay-out for the printed version, member of the editorial panel. We are still looking for Friends with IT skills to assist with the details of managing WordPress. We hope to have two Friends sharing all roles so that these tasks do not weigh too heavily on a few Friends. You don’t need to be a professional in any of these fields, as together we develop the knowledge and skills.
We are also looking for children and JYFs who would like to contribute a story or drawing about what is happening at their Meeting or what they have been doing.
Quaker Voice is also in development as an ongoing online international forum of articles and comments of current affairs around the world that the popular press may not give prominence to or not be interested in. Click here to see Quaker Voice is developing.
Hope to see you at Yearly Meeting in Perth,
Ian Hughes, John Michaelis, Wies Schuiringa, New South Wales Regional Meeting
email: manager@australianfriend.org
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