For this edition we sought contributions from Quakers on how they nourished their spiritual lives.  We are grateful to Sally Kingsland who has responded with an article about Spiritual Direction.  And Tasmania Regional Meeting invites us all to Yearly Meeting in Hobart to repower our spiritual batteries.

For the most part, however, we received articles about Quakers acting out their faith in the world.  They are powerful messages of peace-making through teaching permaculture, removing unexploded military weapons left behind after World War 2, and seeking reconciliation with indigenous Australians.  But the writers say little about what motivates and sustains them.

Obviously it is easier to describe what we are doing than to talk about our inner lives.  Perhaps we lack the vocabulary for doing this.  Perhaps we fear that if we claim to receive spiritual nourishment from sources other than sitting in silence or reading Quaker literature we shall be thought not to be In Right Ordering!  Perhaps we think that not having a creed means not forming any concepts of the Divine.  Perhaps we do not want to be controversial.  Yet those who are willing to share often provide much needed nourishment to those who are floundering.  John Milton wrote that “They also serve who only stand and wait”.  But do share with us the fruits of your waiting!