
Mark Johnson, coordinating editor, New South Wales Regional Meeting. Welcome Friends to the June edition of the Australian Friend. As you may remember June editions are given over to a particular theme, the theme for this issue being: Leadings or Wilfulness and...

Dear God.

David Johnson, Queensland regional Meeting.   Dear God, help me to trust you at a new and deeper level, Beyond the normal tendencies of my self interest. That my work may be not feverish, nor my heart fretful. For in you O Lord do I put my trust? Let me never be...

Listening to the Spirit.

Gerard Guiton, New South Wales Regional Meeting. IN LISTENING TO the Spirit it is essential to distinguish between God’s desire for us and our own desires. How might this be done? There are lots of ways, I guess, but here’s one from my own experience and what it means...

The Story of Stephen Hobhouse.

Dale Hess, Victoria Regional Meeting. This is the story of Stephen Hobhouse (1881 – 1961), who became one of the most respected English Quakers of the twentieth century. Stephen’s leadings emerged slowly. He was born into a wealthy family. His father, Henry Hobhouse...

Discernment and Leadings among Friends.

Sue Wilson, Queensland Regional Meeting.   Early Friends Recently I’ve been reminded about early Friends and their “experimental” practice with discernment. Early Friends shared their inner journeys with each other, even sending to far-off Meetings the news of...