Sue Parritt, for YM21 Host Planning Committee
Following Standing Committee’s acceptance of VRMs offer to host a Zoom YM21, the Committee began work in earnest, focusing particularly on the business process and IT. We agreed that Zoom meetings should be limited to 1½ hours and aim to have five Formal Business sessions. The YM21 Clerking team has agreed to meet together in person in Melbourne for the duration of YM 2021, if possible.
There is a need to protect the Clerking Team from exhaustion, so we hope that where there is no decision being made, such as those for Testimonies, Welcomes, State of the Society and Summary of Epistles, etc. can be planned a little differently from normal – creatively, and expeditiously. A proposed timeline for YM business has been prepared and accepted by Standing Committee.
Share & Tell: Peter Williams has drafted an invitation to go to Regional Meetings and in the Secretary’s newsletter for those who may like to run a session. At present, the plan is to have five afternoon sessions of three concurrent S&Ts, and a couple in the morning. Flexibility is needed and we hope the registration form will include a request for Share & Tells.
Friendly School: Arrangements are being made for two Friends to speak for 15 minutes at the beginning, followed by 40 minutes of break-out rooms with facilitators. Questions will be posed in line with the general theme:
Quakers’ Place in the World. Home Groups to follow Friendly School will be considered with the IT arrangements.
IT Training will be offered to as many Friends as possible, to make sure of a sizeable safety net for YM21.
Children and JYF activities will be entirely on-line, in keeping with a virtual YM.
Regional Meetings have been asked to nominate Friends to be Elders and Pastoral Carers during YM.
The YM21 Host Planning Committee hope Friends find this information helpful as we move towards a second virtual Yearly Meeting. We appreciate that some Friends are not comfortable with Zoom technology, but we encourage everyone to connect, perhaps by joining with a few others, so that all may benefit from the spiritual nourishment and fellowship of our annual gathering.
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