Yearly Meeting 7-14 July 2018

Avondale College, Cooranbong

NSW Regional Meeting warmly invites Friends to attend YM2018 at Avondale College, a Seventh Day Adventist tertiary college at Cooranbong, near Morisset in the lower Hunter Valley.  Avondale College was also the venue for YM2004.  It is located in a semi-rural setting, close to Lake Macquarie and the Watagans National Park.  There is a small shopping centre, with two cafes, in Cooranbong, 1.5 km from the College, and more extensive shopping facilities at Morisset, 8 km away.

Travelling to YM

Morisset, the closest railway station, is on the Central Coast and Newcastle Line, a comfortable and scenic 2-hour journey from Central Station (Sydney).  A shuttle bus will operate between Morisset and Avondale College on Saturdays 7 and 14 July.  Friends are asked to organise their travel so that they arrive at Avondale between 1.00 pm and 5.30 pm on 7 July.  Friends may like to consider the environmental and energy impacts of travel to YM and make appropriate arrangements for carbon offsets.  Details about travelling to Avondale College are available from RM clerks and


Avondale College has a range of venues and spaces for meetings, displays and other aspects of the YM programme.  Most of these venues and spaces are wheelchair accessible.  There is a wealth of recreational facilities, as well as 7 km of walking tracks, on the campus.


The meals will be vegetarian, and some special diets can be catered for.  Meals for 0-5 year olds will be free, with children 6-11 years half-price.  The cost of three meals a day for adults will be $50.

Accommodation and self-catering opportunities

Separate halls of residence provide single or twin accommodation (and possibly triple accommodation).  One self-catering cottage, with five bunk-style rooms and a max. capacity of 26, located 800m from the main YM venue, is available.  Some limited, small-scale, self-catering may be available in one or two halls of residence.  Accommodation for 0-5 year olds will be free, and there will be reduced charges for children 6-11 years, JYFs, and unwaged YFs.  The charges per night for adults will range from $33 in the shared bunk rooms, to $42 in twin rooms to $53 in single rooms.

Alternative accommodation options in the Cooranbong area can be found at: – but please note that “Avondale Holiday Cottages” refers to the self-catering cottage which we have already reserved for YM.

Yearly Meeting costs

These are still to be finalised, but it is expected that the overall cost for “all of YM” (full-fee registration, 7 nights’ accommodation and 3 meals a day) for adults in a single room will be less than the $968 “all of YM” cost at YM2017 (for full-fee registration, a bed in a shared room, and 2 meals a day).

Children and JYFs

Planning for the care of children under 12:  We are asking families with children under 12 years to register as early as possible, to allow us sufficient time to make suitable arrangements for their care.  We have not yet received any offers from a Friend or Friends to plan and manage the Children’s programme.  Any offers to assist with planning and managing the children’s programme, and to participate in the care of the children, would be much appreciated. Please contact Jenny Madeline (see below) in the first instance if you can help.

Planning the JYFs’ (12-17 year olds) programme:  The planning group for the JYFs’ programme has drafted a provisional programme which includes a 3 day, 2 night camp.  Offers from Friends to participate as FRAPs (Friendly Responsible Adult Presences) on the JYFs’ programme would be much appreciated.  If you can help, please contact Lisa Wriley:

Winter School

The theme for Winter School is “Turning Points”.  This theme was chosen as it encompasses many situations in our lives and is open to be explored in different ways ranging from discussions on various aspects of our lives, to dancing, painting, etc.  Convenors are needed.  Please contact Elizabeth Mitchell:

Share & Tell

It is important that Friends who would like to present a Share & Tell session contact Ann Britton prior to the commencement of YM, so that timetabling and room bookings can be arranged:

IT facilities

Friends will have access to WiFi in meeting rooms and accommodation areas of the campus, and also access to computers and printing facilities.

YM2018 Registration

On-line registration for YM2018 will be available from early/mid April, via a link from the AYM website: It is important that Friends complete their registration by 4 June, so that we can advise Avondale College of our accommodation and meal requirements.

General enquiries should be directed to Jenny Madeline: