
View of Derbal Yarragan (Swan River) from the Christ Church Grammar School Chapel.

Western Australia Regional Meeting (WARM) looks forward to welcoming Friends to Perth to the cliffs overlooking Derbal Yarragan (Swan River Estuary) for Yearly Meeting 2012 at Christ Church Grammar School, Claremont.

The Yearly Meeting gathering will be contained around the estuary end of the campus and will use the chapel, Walters and Knutsford house accommodation, dining room and preparatory school, which all lie in close proximity. The formal sessions will be held in the chapel. The children’s area includes an under croft and wonderful playground beneath a tall white gum.


Registration is via the Yearly Meeting website. All participants must register, even if attending only part of Yearly Meeting. Please register before Wednesday, 30 November, especially if you wish to attend the additional Fine Arts Day. The Fine Arts Day will not go ahead if there are insufficient registrations by this date. Late registrations for Yearly Meeting are possible, but will incur a late fee.

To register, go to the Australia Yearly Meeting website,, and follow the link to Yearly Meeting 2012. It is necessary to complete an online registration form for each member of a family. If you do not have internet access, please contact your local clerk. When you register, you will be asked about accommodation, meal requirements, special needs (dietary or mobility), whether you will be attending the additional Fine Arts Day, your Summer School choice, and whether you will be offering a Share and Tell session.

If you are not a member, you need to gain permission to attend Yearly Meeting from your Regional Meeting through the Ministry and Oversight/Care Committee, preferably prior to registration.

Registration Fee

Registration fees are charged for all except children, Junior Young Friends, and Young Friends. These fees cover some of the costs
such as venue hire, childcare support, and morning and afternoon teas. Registration from Saturday 7 to Saturday 15 January will be $120 ($80 concession rate for those on limited incomes). Registering early is very helpful for planning and is reflected in a discounted rate of $80 ($50 concession) for registrations received before 30 November 2011.

Daily registration for up to seven days is $20/day ($10/day concession), and this includes the optional Fine Arts Day on Friday 6 January, which is considered as an additional day.


Campus accommodation is in Walters and Knutsford student boarding houses. There are one, two, four and six-bed room options and shared bathroom facilities. All rooms will have beds made up, including sheets, pillows, towels and thin hospital type blankets. All beds are $30 per person per night. There is no self-catering option.

Campus accommodation is available from the 613 January 2012 inclusive, and you are encouraged to stay on campus. For those attending the Fine Arts Day, off-campus accommodation will be required on the night of Thursday, 5 January. Requests for home stay may be directed to the organising committee. Other accommodation options include: Swanbourne Guest House, 5 Myera St, Swanbourne, Ph 08 9383 1981, Rose Moore Cottage, 2 Winifred St, Mosman Park Ph 08 9384 8214, Fremantle Holiday Accommodation, 32 Arundel St, Ph 08 9335 4473. Swanbourne lies within walking distance of Christchurch, and Fremantle and Mosman Park are an easy train or bus ride away.


Meals will be provided in the campus dining room. Food will be vegetarian with a meat option. Gluten-free bread and rice and soya milks will be available, and tea and coffee will be Fair Trade. The organising committee will ensure that supplementary foods are available for those with special dietary needs. Also, Jack’s Wholefoods and Groceries with good fresh local food is located a short walk from Christ Church.

Full meals and accommodation are $ 77.00 per day. Individual meal costs are breakfast $14 (Continental including cooked oatmeal, muesli, variety of breads and milks, yogurt, fruit); lunch $15 (buffet including dressed salads and plain ingredients, variety of breads, no desert), except for one day when there will be a packed lunch for $9.50; dinner $18 (principally vegetarian with meat option, desert and fruit). Children 5-11 and JYF’s will be half price, children under five are free. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided near the Chapel.

Additional Fine Arts Day 6 January

At YM 2011 in Wollongong, a Summer School group facilitated by Tracey Bourne of Victoria Regional Meeting found enormous satisfaction from making music. The group was so thrilled with their achievements that they looked for ways to extend the event. There was such enthusiasm that Margaret Woodward was asked to explore the idea of having a special day before YM 2012. Even before the finish of YM 2011, many f/Friends were asking that other Fine Arts be included.

If there are sufficient participants, a Fine Arts Day will go ahead on Friday, 6 January. If there are materials or equipment you would like to use that are too bulky to carry with you, please let Margaret Woodward (, ph 08 9344 2642) know ahead of time and she will have it available. If it is small enough and you can bring it in your luggage, please do so.

We hope to provide facilitators to meet all requests, but even without formal facilitation, there may be people who can collectively and co-operatively fill the roles required. The idea was to nurture and celebrate the talents within our meetings, giving each person opportunities to extend their abilities and skills through mutual sharing. If your particular interest has not been mentioned, please let us know and we will add these as soon as possible.


The Yearly Meeting timetable will be in Documents in Advance, available on the AYM website, and through your local meeting, from early November. Documents in Advance is an invaluable guide to the matters to be discussed at Yearly Meeting.

For those attending the additional Arts Day, registration on Friday 6 January will be from lunchtime. Yearly Meeting activities will start on the afternoon of Saturday 7 January, when there will be information sessions for first-timers, parents, children and JYF’s, and a meeting of the Pastoral Carers from each Regional Meeting. The first Formal Session, incorporating a welcome from the local Noongar people, will be held on Saturday evening. Summer School will be on Sunday, 8 January, with some follow up sessions during the week. Yearly Meeting will conclude with lunch on Saturday 14 January.

Backhouse Lecture

The Backhouse Lecture will be given by David Atwood on Monday, 9 January at 7.30pm, in the Chapel at Christ Church Grammar School. David was the Peace and Disarmament Representative of the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva (1995 – 2011) and the Director of QUNO Geneva (2003 – 2011). Supper will be provided afterwards in the Chapel forecourt.

Share and Tell

Several evening and late afternoon times have been set aside for Share and Tell. If you wish to offer a Share and Tell session please mark this on your registration form or inform the Share and Tell Coordinator (Henry Esbenshade ph: 08 9281 7820) prior to Yearly Meeting.

Internet Access

Internet is available via wireless across the whole campus.

Getting There

Christ Church Grammar School is on the corner of Stirling Highway and Queenslea Drive, 9 km from the Perth CBD and approximately half way between Perth and Fremantle. Enter the school off the roundabout on Queenslea Drive. For public transport, the school is a short walk through an extensive shopping precinct from the Claremont train station (Fremantle line) and on the Stirling Highway bus route from Fremantle to Perth.

General Information

Information will be available on the Australia Yearly Meeting website ( For other enquiries, contact Gina Price (08 9384 8972) or email:

Summer Schools

The theme of the summer school program is ‘What Does Love Require of us?’. It will be embraced through the following workshops:

  • Ann Zubrick, Rosemary Longhurst & Peter Fry: Biblical Drama
  • Gina Price & Helen Gould: Sociocracy & Our Inner Dialogue
  • Kerry O’Regan: God & Love
  • Brenda Roy: Conversations with Mystery
  • Margaret Woodward: What Does Love Require of Us? Via Journalling
  • Drew Thomas: Listening Into Being
  • Tricia Wood: Creative Sharing in Community
  • Tony Noakes & Matt Keep: Words and Music
  • Renee Ellerton: Exploring Spiritual Friendship among F/friends
  • Valerie Joy & Abel Siboniyo: Salt & Light
  • Kerstin Reimers: Semi-silent Retreat
  • Adrian Glamorgan & Elizabeth PO’: Exploring Spiritual Biographies through digital media

For further Summer School offerings please contact Jo Vallentine (Ph: 08 9272 4252) or Ann Zubrick (Ph:08 9339 3725)

Junior Young Friend’s and Children’s Program

We need to grow Quakers. So how do we tell our kids about Quakerism without proselytising or preaching? A Quaker Basics type of program will be offered with lots of hands-on activities that either illustrate or can be used as a metaphor for ideas which include the testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity/truth, community, equality, environment, service, silence and the concepts of Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Worship for Business, consensus, Advices and Queries, journals — historic and current, sacraments, Bible and creeds.

Each session will start with a central idea or process and be accompanied by a suitable art activity. Thus the children won’t miss out on a unique Quaker experience, and they will have an enjoyable holiday. There will also be some sessions run parallel to the program the Business Meeting is following. Further topics include exploring Spirituality and Worship; Quaker Values and Beliefs; Groups and Belonging; and Living Quakerism.

Activities include taking a cast of your face and making impressions from it, developing symbols that represent the Quaker testimonies or beliefs, printing shirts and making candles. Each child will leave Yearly Meeting with a portfolio (at least digital) of what they have discovered.

A Junior Young Friends (JYFs) Camp will be held at Camp Woody in Stoneville from Sunday 8 January until Wednesday 11 January. JYF’s will need to bring a pillow, sleeping bag or bed linen and blanket, plus toiletries. Please contact Beth Harcourt for further details (Ph: 08 9345 1534).

Within the children’s program separate activities will be organised for the different age groups of babies and infants, younger primary and pre-schoolers, older primary school children. The children’s program will use some of the themes and activities of the JYF program and include storytelling and exploration of the local environment. There will also be opportunities for family friendly Meeting for Worship and intergenerational activities.AF

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