Know Thy Friend: John Beattie

I’m a 77-year-old retiree. I’ve been married to Lorna for 52 years. We have three children and four grandchildren. I’ve been a member of Queensland Regional Meeting (QRM) for 16 years. I was born in Northern Ireland during the dark days of the second...

Know Thy Friend: Kerry O’Regan

When I reflected on how I came to be a Quaker, I kept going back and back, following the strands of influences in my life, to my earliest memories of childhood. So I think, in order to answer the question, I’ll have to start there and develop the answer in a meandery...

A Quaker presence in Chaplaincy: a good idea?

Geoffrey Ballard, Canberra Regional Meeting In September 2014 Canberra Regional Meeting endorsed me to be a volunteer chaplain at the Australian National University (ANU). I am a former Anglican priest with a degree in theology, along with the necessary education and...