by Peter Jones | 1 Sep, 2024
Know thy Friend: Gerard Guiton Gerard Guiton Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Gerry was born in Stockport (Greater Manchester) into an Irish family, his mother hailing from Co. Sligo and father from Cork city. After a mostly Catholic schooling, he completed...
by Bruce Henry | 4 Dec, 2022
Openings and closings Bruce Henry, Victoria Regional Meeting and Presiding Clerk Openings and Closings for me Most people wonder if the job they have is right for them. Parker Palmer struggled to find his vocation. He gave up his job as a community organiser and...
by australianfriend | 5 Jun, 2022
Noted This is our regular feature in which we briefly record interesting publications and websites that have come to our attention. Inclusion of an item in this format does not preclude a possible longer review in a later issue. We welcome suggestions for inclusion. ...
by Peter Jones | 6 Mar, 2022
Know thy Friend: Nelson File Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Nelson File Nelson File is best known as the current Principal of the Friends’ School in Hobart, but what is little known to Australian Friends is his long history of Quaker ancestry...
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