Nourishing our spiritual lives through spiritual direction

Sally Kingsland, Canberra Regional Meeting To listen another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another. – Douglas Steere[1] Spiritual growth has been the central feature of my...

A Guided Mystic

Noël Staples reflects on Quakers and spiritual direction. (Noel is a Friend of Peterborough Meeting, Britain.)   At Britain Yearly Meeting in 2012, by pure coincidence (or synchronicity), I sat next to London Friend in one of the sessions where we shared, for a...

Nothing to Fear.

Gerard Guiton, New South Wales Regional Meeting. QUAKERS HAVE HAD spiritual directors since the first Friends gathered around George Fox on Firbank Fell in 1652, although they never used the term “spiritual director”. At the time, others were also giving freely of...

Quakers and Spiritual Direction: What I Canst Say?

Janet Duke-Warner, Victoria Regional Meeting. ALL MY EARLY life I longed for one who would listen to me as I pondered the reality of my life. Someone I now realise who could have helped me to understand and comprehend how I had been “knitted together in my mother’s...