by David Swain | 18 Mar, 2016
Taisoo Kim Watson, Queesland Regional Meeting I feel very honoured representing the Australian Friends and attending the FWCC Plenary program at Pisac, Peru, from 19 to 27 January 2016. And I am thankful for the funds provided by AYM and the Thanksgiving Fund. It...
by David Swain | 18 Mar, 2016
Jo Jordan, South Australia and Northern Territory Regional Meeting In the fertile valley at Pisac in Peru, nestled between enormous Andes mountains, 320 Friends met from 19 to 27 January 2016 for the FWCC world plenary, held for the first time in Latin America....
by David Swain | 3 Sep, 2015
The FWCC web-site tells us: The FWCC World Plenary Meeting (the International Representatives Meeting of FWCC, formerly called the FWCC Triennial when it was held every three years), is a meeting for representatives from all four FWCC Sections to tend to FWCC...
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