Australia’s Integrity Crisis

Australia’s Integrity Crisis

Australia’s Integrity Crisis Possum Hodgkin, Canberra and Regional Quakers Australia is at a critical risk of losing its integrity. Trust in institutions is low, and we struggle to agree on basic truths of reality.  Democracy can not function in a landscape of...

Book review: The Honest History Book

This is a very timely book of essays from a variety of writers about many aspects of Australian history and current trends, and edited by David Stephens and Alison Broinowski. Its primary focus is the way in which Anzac and Australia’s war experiences have been...

Indigenous spirituality and culture

Clémence Overall, Victoria Regional Meeting A view of the expansive Lake George came into sight as my husband and I turned towards Silver Wattle Quaker Retreat Center. We were going to attend a three-day workshop on Indigenous Spirituality and Culture. As an American...

What means this whispering in the bottom of our hearts?

Susannah Brindle. Victoria Regional Meeting. Aboriginal people have taught me more about Australian history than ever I learnt at school or university. The real history, not the nationhood stories the media feeds us. Privately sceptical about the extent of the...