My Geneva Quaker Experience.

My Geneva Quaker Experience.

My Geneva Quaker Experience. Therese Douglas, New South Wales Regional Meeting I have had the privilege of living in Geneva, Switzerland and becoming an active member of that Quaker community for the short time I was there. I would love to share some of my experiences...

Notes from QUNO NY

Aletia Dundas, New South Wales Regional Meeting The Annual face-to-face meeting of the New York Quaker United Nations Office Committee (QUNC) began on 28th March 2019 at the beautiful Quaker House in New York, a 4-story city dwelling with a delightful courtyard out...

Experiences at QUNO in Geneva

Aletia Dundas, New South Wales Regional Meeting Why go work at the UN? Before I left for Geneva, a friend asked me why I wanted to work with the United Nations (UN). It’s a good question. The UN is criticized for being too bureaucratic, for being a talk-fest and for...