by David Swain | 2 Dec, 2018
David Swain, New South Wales Regional Meeting We went to North Korea, or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), not knowing what to expect. We knew from history that the Korean Peninsula had been controlled by Japan from 1910 until the end of World War II...
by David Swain | 4 Dec, 2016
Reg Naulty, Canberra Regional Meeting. The four ways to God identified by Hinduism are now fairly well known. They are the way of knowledge, eg., the argument from the orderliness of the world to a designer; the way of devotion or prayer; the way of meditation as...
by David Swain | 4 Sep, 2016
At the Manchester Conference in 1895, William Charles Braithwaite made a suggestion that must have astonished many faithful Quakers – that it was possible that “in the fields of music, art and literature and in others, Friends may witness to the Glory of God and...
by David Swain | 4 Sep, 2016
Katherine Purnell, Tasmania Regional Meeting Edward Hicks (1780-1848) painted 64 versions of “The Lion shall lie down with the lamb” based on the Bible text from the prophet Isaiah, partly because he needed to persuade nineteenth-century Quakers that it was...
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