A new A&Q. Do you care for your body?

A new A&Q. Do you care for your body? Helen Gould, New South Wales Regional Meeting Learn to listen to your body.  It is through our bodies that we experience the sacred.  Caring for your body benefits your family, community, and the earth.  Be in Nature whenever...
A brief journey back in time

A brief journey back in time

A brief journey back in time Michael Corbett, Queensland Regional Meeting My association with Friends at the Kelvin Grove Meeting House goes back over 40 years. During that time there have been many different scenarios by which we have read and studied the Advices and...

Continuing to consider Vocal Ministry

Bev Polzin, Victoria Regional Meeting Our Friend, Duncan Frewin, in December 2019, laid out in the Australian Friend some thoughtful comments on spoken ministry within our Meetings for Worship.  Duncan inferred that to be moved to speak in a Meeting for Worship is a...