A new A&Q. Do you care for your body?
Helen Gould, New South Wales Regional Meeting
Learn to listen to your body. It is through our bodies that we experience the sacred. Caring for your body benefits your family, community, and the earth.
Be in Nature whenever you can, knowing that you are not separate. Attune yourself to Nature’s rhythms, welcome the night sky, the moon and the stars, the rain, wind and sun. Receive the dawn with gratitude. Spending time in the morning light will improve your sleep and reduce any depression. Attune your sleep patterns to the rhythm of night and day. Sleep neither too little nor too long.
Practise regular exercise and relaxation, out of doors if you can, knowing that these practices benefit your whole being.
Develop the discipline of mindfully, gratefully eating healthy food. Food is the gift of the whole of nature, the sharing of other forms of life, and many people have worked to create your meal. If you suffer from addictive behaviours, humbly ask the Spirit to show you the next step, in order to release you from this suffering.
Occasional fasting is good for us. When you are hungry or too full, prayer and meditation may ease mental distress.
Hold in the light all those for whom hunger is not a choice.
We practice our faith together. How can we help each other to be healthy?
It is through our bodies that we experience the sacred. Can we truly discern a way forward for our beloved Religious Society of Friends, if we do not meet bodily?
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