John Michaelis, Ian Hughes, Wies Schuiringa; New South Wales Regional Meeting.

Quaker Voice is part of the Online Australian Friend project. The vision of Quaker Voice is to provide the opportunity for Quakers and like-minded writers around the world – many of whom are located in trouble spots, to publish news and commentary. Quaker Voice will provide an alternative to the tabloid press; offer an in-depth perspective and a means to publicise news and events that various authorities may prefer to keep from public view.

All too frequently professional journalism is compromised by editorial policies that are based on the business or political interests of those who own or control the media outlets. Powerful vested interests around the globe such as governments, political and corporate interests, and even organised crime censor, control or put their own spin on news and events. There is a deep need for an on-line publication committed to ethical principles.

Discovering truth, understanding it, and speaking it to those in power and to the world is a longstanding Quaker concern. This is the vision of Quaker Voice.

You can listen to an interview with the editor here: Quaker Voice Editor Interview


Quaker Voice is a global publication published under the care of Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia through the on-line Australian Friend.

Progress to date

technical work WAS complete December 2011. Quaker Voice is operational as a developmental site and we are now ready to go live. We have an editor and management team in place, and are ready now to receive and publish articles. We now need volunteers to manage the influx of articles.

Volunteer roles

We are building a team with sufficient numbers that no volunteer needs to commit more than a few of hours per month. Detailed task descriptions and a “how to” are available to volunteers.

Writers: Author and submit articles for publication. Time commitment: Occasional, Time frame – a.s.a.p. Email your article to

Sub editors Review and edit copy and in some cases solicit articles. Submit copy to the editorial panel for final approval and publication. Number of volunteers: 10 Time commitment: 2 – 6 hrs/month, Time frame – a.s.a.p.

Web-monkeys: A few web or WordPress savvy enthusiasts to join the technical team. Number of volunteers: 4 Time commitment: 2 – 6 hrs/month, Time frame – a.s.a.p.

Incoming email handlers:A couple of volunteers to forward and track incoming email. Number of volunteers: 3 Time commitment: 2 – 6 hrs/month, Time frame – a.s.a.p.

Moderators: Moderate readers’ on-line comments and discussion

Number of volunteers: 4 Time commitment: 2 – 6 hrs/month, Time frame – late Dec. 2011

Proof readers: Proof and correct copy.

Number of volunteers: 10 Time commitment: 2 – 6 hrs/month, Time frame – a.s.a.p.

Advertising managers: Assist in setting policy. Promote Quaker Voice. Solicit and manage paid advertising in Quaker Voice

Number of volunteers: 2 Time commitment: 2 – 6 hrs/month, Time frame – Feb. 2013

How to volunteer or express your support or interest: Email


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