We intend to make this a regular feature in which we will briefly record interesting publications and websites that have come to our attention. Inclusion of an item in this format does not preclude a possible longer review in a later issue. We welcome suggestions for inclusion.
Evolution of the Atmosphere, Fire and the Anthropocene Climate Event Horizon by Andrew Glikson, published by Springer; available in softcover or as an e-book, $106.95
Tim Flannery says in his review in the The Monthly “No better description of the Earth system exists than [this book], though the slender volume is not for everyone. Its concise, technical language will be heavy going for those with little geology or chemistry. It is, however, a must-read for every engineer and geologist who is in denial about anthropogenic global warming.”
ENOUGH! The Challenge of a post growth economy by Jeanette Fitzsimons, Aotearoa New Zealand Yearly Meeting, 2013, 27pp. NZ$8.00. Email: quaker.books@quaker.org.nz
2013 Quaker Lecture. “A willingness to say I have enough now, the rest is for others, or Nature?”
Working as Allies: supporters of indigenous justice reflect by Jen Margaret, published by Auckland Workers Education Association, 2013. ISBN: 978- 0-473-26238-9. Purchase from http://www.antarvictoria.org.au/products/books/working-as-allies.php $25.00
Perfect storm – energy, finance and the end of growth by Tim Morgan, Tullett Prebon. PDF downloadable from http://www.tullettprebon.com/strategyinsights/.
This is no. 8 in a series of strategy insights from Tullet Prebon, one of the world’s leading interdealer brokers, primarily operating as an intermediary in the wholesale financial and energy sectors. The other seven reports in the series look interesting as well.
Chequered lives: John Barton Hack and Stephen Hack and the early days of South Australia by by Iola Hack Mathews with Charles Durrant, Published by Wakefield Press, South Australia 2013 265 pages. $29.95; ebook $9.94 (although the publisher’s website says the second printing is out of stock).
Brothers Barton and Stephen Hack were two Friends who came out to South Australia in 1837 with the former’s wife and young child
Three earth care websites. These reviews are aimed to provide information and encouragement to engage with earth care matters that are of interest to you. There is no shortage of information and encouraging developments to be supported. The websites below provide each a different focus: practical, national and international.
www.nabers.gov.au National Australian Built Environment Ratings System. NABERS is managed nationally by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, on behalf of Commonwealth, State and Territory governments. NABERS is a national ratings system that measures the environmental performance of Australian buildings, tenancies and homes. NABERS measures the energy efficiency, water usage, waste management and indoor environment quality of a building or tenancy and its impact on the environment. It does this by using measured and verified performance information, such as utility bills, and converting them into an easy to understand star rating scale from one to six stars. For example, a 6 star rating demonstrates market-leading performance, while a 1 star rating means the building or tenancy has considerable scope for improvement. Many office buildings for sale or lease now state their Nabers rating.
What you can do: rate the energy usage of your home, Meeting House or other building. You need to have access to the electricity, gas and water bills of the preceding 12 months to enter their usage. You can also use the information from this website to write to building proposals, developments and refurbishments and ask which Nabers rating is part of the plan.
www.solarcitizens.org.au Mission: “To protect the rights of millions of Australians with solar to cut bills, create clean power and take energy generation back into our own hands.” Solar Citizens is organising a campaign to protect the federal Renewable Energy Target. A commission has been appointed by the Prime Minister’s office to review the target and the report with recommendations is to be ready by July 2014. The four members of the commission have strong links to the fossil fuel industry. The federal parliament will decide what to do with the recommendations, however the Prime Minister’s office is handling the matter. The website has information about the RET and its economic benefits. More information is also at www.vicwind.org.au
What you can do: Solar Citizens is organising a postcard campaign to the Prime Minister. A Sun Postcard Petition Kit and instructions can be sent to you. Local community actions are planned as well and Solar Citizens can tell you what is happening in your locality. You can also support their actions on their website.
www.eridicatingecocide.com “Ecocide is the extensive damage to, destruction of or loss of ecosystem(s) of a given territory, whether by human agency or by other causes, to such an extent that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants of that territory has been or will be severely diminished.” The engine behind this movement is Polly Higgins, a barrister from Scotland, who has written two books on the subject matter. The goal is for the UN to include ecocide in the Rome Statute which is the governing document that sets out the existing international Crimes Against Peace. Ecocide was to be included in earlier drafts, until it was removed in 1996. In 2010, 122 country signatories to the Rome Statute have been sent a Concept Paper to get the matter heard at the UN.
What you can do: The website is extensive and stretches the imagination of what is possible. It has an excellent section on a range of strategies to create local interest, to develop local action and education on the subject matter.
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