This is our regular feature in which we briefly record interesting publications and websites that have come to our attention. Inclusion of an item in this format does not preclude a possible longer review in a later issue. We welcome suggestions for inclusion.
Invitation to Meeting for Worship Online
Dear Friends of Asia West-Pacific Section
Our first Meeting for Worship online will be
Thursday 27 April at 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.
This meeting will be hosted by our Friend Virginia Jealous from Denmark, Western Australia Regional Meeting.
We look forward to worshipping together then.
Meeting for Worship online takes place on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.
If you would like to join us please email Michael Searle at
Michael will send information about downloading and using Zoom for our online meeting, and a link to the meeting room.
Guidelines for MfW online
- Virginia will welcome each of us as we arrive
- As we go into silence, let us turn off our microphones and speakers
- Written and spoken ministry is welcome, as Spirit moves us. Please remember to turn your microphone on and off before and after spoken ministry!
- Virginia will close the meeting 30 minutes after its start time
- The meeting room will stay open for another 15 minutes for spoken or written fellowship, reflection and conversation, guided by Virginia
- Please feel free to farewell and leave the meeting room when you need
Or for another online Meeting for Worship . . .
An online Meeting for Worship is being organised at 5pm Eastern Australian Standard Time on the third Sunday of each month. F/friends, particularly isolated ones, are warmly invited to join us for a half hour online Meeting for Worship followed by a time of fellowship. It is possible to join the Meeting for Worship using either a computer connected to the internet or a normal telephone. For full details see
The new Australia Yearly Meeting website!
Since Yearly Meeting 2016 the IT Committee’s main undertaking has been the design of a new AYM website for inquirers.
On 1 March the web address Australian Friends have been using for the last few years,, was changed to —a new website designed specifically for inquirers and others who are looking for information about Quakerism – and specifically Australian Quakerism.
The site was ready and launched in March and we have publicised the new address to Friends and others in Australia and overseas.
The menu at the top of the new website has a link Australia YM site that will go to our existing information website ——- where Friends will find all the information they have been used to. (Friends might want to bookmark this new location so they can go directly to it in the future.)
The IT Committee has now started a complete redesign of the AYM information site at It will eventually contain user friendly, fresh-looking, updated information as well as additional material for Friends about learning resources, meeting life and Australian Quaker perspectives.
The IT Committee has received many positive comments about the new website. At YM17 in Adelaide, the Information Technology Committee will present a Show and Tell session “The new Australian Quaker websites”, which will focus on the new Inquirers site and plans for the next phase, the redesign of the current information website. Everyone is invited to come along and share their ideas for this redesign!
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