Twenty-three kids, 480 juice boxes, two vans, and a bunch of food headed to Camp Woody for a children’s getaway. We arrived to find canoes, pool tables, bush, and an opportunity for fun.

The drinking water was not enjoyed by some, but it was part of a very small list of things.

Trips to the lake, ping pong, being with people, making masks, and being away from our parents were only a few of our favourite activities. New friendships were made and old ones strengthened.

On the second day we took canoes down to Lake Leschenaultia, and while some swam and others canoed we all had loads of fun.

The pool table was a highlight to all and we had a couple of competitions.

The last day was a combination of finishing off the face moulds, cleaning the campus, packing and rope courses. We left Camp Woody to arrive back at the campus in time for dinner.

On Friday, after celebrating Beth’s birthday with a grand total of 8 cakes, we made a tower of empty juice boxes from camp and displayed it in the concert which we all had fun doing.

All in all, 2011 Perth Yearly Meeting was a great success and hope to see you all in Canberra next year.