Come to Yearly Meeting in July in Hobart

Friends in Tasmania are delighted to invite you to join us for Yearly Meeting from 6th– 13th July 2019 in Hobart. We are grateful that The Friends’ School has again offered to host Yearly Meeting.

Attending Yearly Meeting

AYM welcomes Australian Friends to come to Yearly Meeting 2019. It is our practice that Attenders should ask their home Regional Meeting for permission to attend. It is good to do this a month or more in advance of YM.

Costs for registration for adults will be $15, $10 concession, per day or  $75, $50 concession for the week. Young Friends $3 (waged) $2 (unwaged) per day, $10, $5 for the week. Dinner will be $15/day, lunch $12/day for adults. Children and JYFs do not pay for registration or meals while at Yearly Meeting. People attending the JYF camp, 3 days, 2 nights, are asked to contribute $80 towards the cost. If cost is an issue for you, remember that Regional Meetings have some funds to support Friends who want to attend YM, and you can seek financial assistance. If you’re not sure who to ask, ask your Clerk, or anyone who is an old hand!

Visitors from overseas are welcome. AYM will ask you for a contact in your home Meeting with whom we can check your bona fides. Please allow time for this to be done.

Transport to Hobart city and Friends School

Tasman Bridge


A taxi from the airport will cost about $50. There is a Skybus service into Collins Street in the city, $18 one way, book online or buy tickets on the bus.


Yearly Meeting in Hobart is non-residential, which means Friends will need to organise their own accommodation. It may seem hard to imagine, but July is a busy time in Hobart with the Festival of Voices. Accommodation books up fairly quickly, so we encourage you to book your accommodation sooner rather than later. There may be some capacity to organise home stay type accommodation with Friends, although many people will have already organised this informally.

The Tower Motel on the corner of Boa Vista Rd is the closest and the only one which offers a “special rate”, if people ring 03 6228 0166 and say they are coming to the Quaker Yearly Meeting (if you book online Tower cannot offer this special price).

From 06/07/2019 to 13/07/2019

  • Single room rate (single bed in a small room for 1 person): $65/night/room
  • Double/ Twin room (one queen bed or 2 separate beds in one room): $85/night for 2 people
  • Triple room (3 beds in one room, 1 bathroom): $105/night for 3 people
  • Medium family room (4 beds in 2 joined bedrooms, 1 bathroom): $125/night for 4 people
  • Large family room (5 beds in 2 separate bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 toilet, bathroom and toilet separate): $145/night for 5 people
  • Breakfast: Continental $8/person (Juice/cereals/milk/toast)

There are several other good places within a walk from The Friends’ School, and all can be found online and are easy to book. To name a few:

Graham Apartments

Bendall’s B&B


air bnbs  and many more

Registration for Yearly Meeting 2019

Hobart Meeting House

This website enables you to register for Yearly Meeting

You can register yourself, and you can register other people to go to YM.

It is designed to be suitable for browsers on your computer, mobile phone or tablet.

After registering, you are able to access and update the information you provided by logging back into the system. If you registered for YM2016, YM2017 or YM2018 you are already known to this system, and you should use your existing userID and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it.

If you haven’t registered here before, you can easily create a new userID.

Children and JYFs

Children  under 12:  we are asking families with children under 12 years to register as early as possible, to allow us sufficient time to make suitable arrangements for their program.

JYFs 12-17 year old: early registration would be very helpful. The planning group for the JYFs has drafted a program which includes a 3 day, 2 night camp. Offers from Friends to help as FRAPs (Friendly Responsible Adult Presences) with practical tasks such as packing gear, setting up rooms, catering, would be much appreciated. If you can help, please contact Maree-rose Jones  mumjo[at]


Yearly Meeting

We will meet and will serve lunch and dinner in The Farrall Centre at the Friends School. This will help minimise Friends’ exposure to the elements and reduce some of the uphill climb. We are able to cater for vegetarians, coeliacs and meat eaters. If you have any other dietary requirements, please register as soon as possible, so we can do our best to meet your needs.

We will start Yearly Meeting with a Welcome Afternoon Tea which will include a Welcome to Country,  Registration will open at 2pm, with the Welcome to Country from about 4.30pm on Saturday 6th July (the first day of Yearly Meeting). We hope all Friends will be able to organise their travel so they can join us for this important part of our gathering.

Winter School 

The theme for Winter School is RENEWAL.

Winter School 2019 will be at The Friends School Hobart on Sunday 7th July. Friends who would be willing to facilitate a group for Winter School 2019 are invited to contact David Evans (SANTRM) and/or Ron Frey (Tasmania RM) for inclusion of your intended activity topic in the program. Please include a short description of your group activity (30-50 words). At this stage, you will not register for Winter School, but will be invited to do so closer to Yearly Meeting.

David Evans ddeevans1<at> or 0419023775

Ron Frey r.frey<at> or 0437656080

The Backhouse Lecture 

Jason MacLeod

will be delivered by Jason McLeod on Monday 8th July in the Farrell Centre. The title Jason has given his lecture is

Animating freedom: decolonising solidarity with depth, vision, resistance, relationships and spirit:

making sense of the practice of nonviolent solidarity with indigenous people

All are welcome to attend this event.



Bring your laptop, iPad, tablet or phone

At Yearly Meeting much information including  agendas, minutes, reports and daily notices will be on-line. This will reduce the number of paper copies that need to be printed. It will also enable you to use your device to read the information wherever you have an internet connection, and always have the most up-to-date information.

Some paper copies of important information will be available.

Share and Tell

If you would like to present a Share and Tell session, you can let us know when you are registering online.  Otherwise please contact Julie Walpole walpole_julie[at] by 4th July so timetables, equipment and room bookings can be arranged.

See you in Hobart!

Hobart Friends look forward to welcoming Friends from all over Australia, and beyond, to share with us the fellowship, fun and spiritual nurture that is Yearly Meeting.

“Unseen Seen” from the Quaker, James Turrell’s, collection at MONA.

Felicity Rose

Jenny Seaton

Co-convenors yearly Meeting Organizing Committee