In this issue we welcome our new Yearly Meeting Secretary, Jacque Schultze. This is a good opportunity celebrate the many ways in which Friends serve each other and the wider community. We give thanks to Jude Pembleton who filled in after the sudden death of the previous Secretary, Susan Addison. Our YM Secretary works very much on her (or his) own, and needs a remarkable degree of ability and patience. We have been blessed by the dedication which they have brought to their work.

We also continue our theme of Education, one of the ways in which many Quakers serve the Society of Friends and our wider community. At a time when education is often seen as a kind of competitive mental gymnastics, these articles remind us of the value of every person, and of the need for all to develop moral values and spiritual depth.

We hear of other Friends living out their Quaker testimonies in peace work, and in running community development programs through Quaker Service Australia.

We are reminded that Yearly Meeting is almost upon us, and in our next issue we will be reporting on the meeting in Hobart, and considering “how the truth has prospered amongst us”. We hope that some of you who will be attending Yearly Meeting will be willing to share your experiences and insights with us.